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© 2000-2010
John B. Deitz

Build: 100521.2

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Sunday, 7 August, 2005.  Flagstaff, AZ to Tucson, Arizona

We did not leave Flagstaff until well after 9 a.m. taking I-17 south to Phoenix, then I-10 to Tucson.

John tries to figure out where we are and where we're going using his well prepared trip itinerary.

Along I-17 after leaving the high country, probably about 3,000 feet ( I think we're still in the Coconino or Prescott National Forests, though)

The numbering of I-17 is a bit odd.  It is one of few 2-digit interstate highways that do not cross state boundaries (perhaps it should more properly be called Intrastate-17.)  It seems to me that if it were strictly following the numbering conventions of the Interstate highway system, it should be I-110 or I-140, as it functions as a "spur" route from I-10 north out of Phoenix to I-40 at Flagstaff.  (Perhaps there is a plan to continue it north into Utah along US 89 at a future date?)

It is scenic, though, dropping from Flagstaff's 7,000 ft. elevation to 1,000 ft. at Phoenix over its 145 mile length.

It was very hot as we rode through Phoenix — well over 100°F.  And there's concrete pavement everywhere — six lanes and more of traffic!

Arrived in Tucson about 3:30 p.m. We're staying as the guest of Ron and Hal.  Ron is a former member of the Long Island Ravens MC.  We were almost to their house when prudent behavior caused us to pull into a gas service plaza as a terrific thunder and rain storm came through. Even though we were under the canopy of the station, the wind was so strong that it rained horizontal. Blew the wind shield loose from the Road King. Our helmets blew across the plaza Mike chased after them.  And it was quite a lightning display. We stayed about 1/2 hour before moving on. 15 minutes later we were welcomed by Hal and Ron.  In spite of the Monsoon season in the Southwest, this was the only significant rain we encountered during the entire trip.

Ron prepared chicken cacciatore for dinner and we watched Sordid Lives a great film.

Distance:  About 280 miles Accommodation: Ron and Hal (WiFi)  

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23 October 2007