Getzel Moshiko Productions (2019)
Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Queer Themes/Interest, Romance, Short
Not In Collection
Seen ItYes
(11/20/2019 Vimeo)
IMDB   6.3
12 mins USA / English
Colby Jansen Matt
Patrick Wallace Matt
Ori Ravid
Producer Ori Ravid
Victoria Fayad
Writer Ori Ravid
Cinematography Dennis Noack

World-renowned adult entertainer Colby Jansen stars in his first dramatic role in "Matt." It is a short tale of two "Matts" - one an accomplished architect (Jansen) who has been around the block, the other a nursing student (newcomer Patrick Wallace) who is fresh out of the closet. Matt invites Matt over for drinks, a movie, and a night that will mean much more for one of them than the other.
Edition Details
No. of Discs/Tapes 1