The Naked Civil Servant
BBC (1975)
Biography, Comedy, Drama, Queer Themes/Interest, TV Documentary
In Collection
Seen ItYes
(04/29/2018 Home)
IMDB   8.0
77 mins UK / English
John Hurt Quentin Crisp
Liz Gebhardt Art Student
Patricia Hodge Ballet Teacher
Stanley Lebor Mr. Pole
Katherine Schofield Mrs. Pole
Colin Higgins Thumbnails
John Rhys-Davies Barndoor
Stephen Johnstone Young Quentin
Antonia Pemberton Mrs. Longhurst
Lloyd Lamble Mr. Crisp
Roger Lloyd-Pack Liz
Joan Ryan Mrs. Crisp
Adrian Shergold Gloria
Jack Gold
Producer Verity Lambert
Barry Hanson
Writer Quentin Crisp
Philip Mackie
Cinematography Mike Fash
Music Carl Davis

Story of the life of Quentin Crisp, an Englishman who was brave enough to live his life according to his own style even in the hostile days of WW2.
Edition Details
No. of Discs/Tapes 1
Personal Details
Purchase Date April 2018
Location Personal Library
Owner Deitz
Condition New
Tags queer heritage
Links + Review: Gay Essential (Alistair Ryder, ~2015)
+4/5 Rotten Tomatoes
‡ See Sequel: Englishman in New York
‡ Biography: Quentin Crisp
‡ Quotes: Quentin Crisp
The Naked Civil Servant at Core for Movies

"The Naked Civil Servant is camp and unabashedly so – but it has far more going on beneath the surface, and helped usher in more nuanced portrayals of LGBT people and culture in the years to come. It may be dated, but time hasn’t made it feel embarrassing in retrospect. It is still one of the most pivotal works in the LGBT pop culture canon that helped further mainstream awareness and acceptance. Quite an impressive feat considering Crisp’s own personal views on the gay community!" Gay Essential (~2015)
When this film was released in 1975 , I was transitioning from a mostly closeted gayman to a mostly queer gayman· I am not sure how I would have reacted if I had seen it in '75· Crisp was not a role model I would have likely embraced· Now I have a very different perspective· He was a man who was compelled to live an authenic life· He had no choice. While he was not a crusader in our queer revolution, he was queer, he knew who he was, he knew he could not be else·
See Sequel An Englishman in New York.