Between The Shades
Passion River (2017)
Documentary, Queer Themes/Interest
Not In Collection
Seen ItNo
IMDB   9.1
82 mins USA / English
Phillip Bergman Himself
Madonna Cacciatore Herself
Craig Chorney Himself
Liron Cohen Herself
Yuval David Himself
Jennifer DiGiacomo
Diane Diversa Herself
Miriam Dr. Baker Herself
Vincent Ford Himself
Michael Giovanni Himself
Lester Greene Himself
Harry Hanson Himself
Doug Jacobson Himself
Tracy James Jones Herself
Rowan Katz Herself
Raoul Daniel Luna Himself
Shannon MacDonald Herself
Cheryl Mahmood Herself
Beth Malone Herself
Steven Mandel Himself
Mark McDermott Himself
Tobly McSmith Himself
Robin McWilliams Herself
Kathy Najimy Herself
Johanna Sanders Herself
Jill Salvino
Producer Jill Salvino
Mick Du Russel
Cinematography Christopher Vernale
Music Paul Morin

Fifty conversations exploring the many different shades of being "gay" in America. A conversation on the degrees and varying perceptions about how people define themselves.
Edition Details
No. of Discs/Tapes 1
IMDb Voters <500
QueerGuru Rating 7
Viewing Priority 1 Low