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© 2000-2010
John B. Deitz

Build: 100521.2

Days 1- 2

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Day 1 - Saturday, May 1, 1999:  Long Island to Richmond, VA

Trip down to Richmond was generally uneventful.  I-95 corridor. Did manage to loose a credit card at a service station on the New Jersey Turnpike, and had to use less favored alternate for the remainder of the trip.

Picture is of Bill & Rick in Richmond.  Never see them without their cigars.  Stayed with them Saturday night. Very nice hosts!

Bill and Rick are with the Teddy Bear Leather Club of Richmond.

Had a very pleasant and leisurely breakfast locally with Bill and Rick; then set off shortly after noon.

Picture is of leaving Richmond Sunday morning.

After a short while on I-95, took more local roads to West End, NC.  Arrived late in the afternoon.

Day 2 - Sunday, May 2, 1999:  Richmond, VA to West End, NC

Aunt Margaret, laughing.

Margaret is my mom's youngest sister.  She's always laughing -- I can tell the dumbest joke, and she'll break-up.

We sat around all evening and ate pizza and drank beer.

Had a wonderful visit.  But couldn't get her on the back of the bike.

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