Rating StarsMy Ratings


  I use a 10-point system.  I am not entirely consistent.  But in general, the following guidelines apply.

0. Unable to rate, not viewed.
1. Awful. Don't ever watch it, unless you are a film-masochist.

2. Not awful, but still terrible.  Probably wasn't able to finish it.
3. Bad movie, but it may have had some redeeming qualities.
4. Not quite bad (e.g., grade C made for TV)
5. Mediocre. worth watching, just!
6. Better than average.

7. Good.  A fine film.
8. Better.  Very good.
9. Among the Best.  Great.
10. Awesome.  If I smoked, it would be worth a cigarette afterwards.

Critics' ratings:

In more recent entries, where a referenced critic uses a number system to summarize their review, I record, with their link entry, their rating number Should their rating number not be based on a ten-point scale.  Should their rating system not be based on a 10-point system, I indicated their scale by "/#".  For example, 3/4 means a rating of 3 on 4-point scale.


  Last Updated: 17-12-17