About My Collection and Usage Tips
For many years, Richard and I have informally acquired movies for our library. At first these were just VHS films that we particularly liked, and there was no organized program. We found that, except for blockbuster films requiring a large theater screen for a full experience, we rarely went to the theater any more. We found that dvds could be purchased for less than the cost of tickets for two. In more recent years, I have developed a special interest in indie and foreign films, and especially movies with queer themes.
Not all the titles in the catalog are physically in my Library. Many are "wish list" films, or movies available via streaming or that we've seen elsewhere and are not high on my priority for purchase. The details of each record indicates the inventory status of the film.
Also often included in the details are links to reviews or articles about the film; for films I've viewed, I also usually include "notes" on the film and my personal rating. The "notes" are not intended to be in-depth reviews, but rather short personal observations.
use the desktop version of
as my master collection management software. In September
2021, I started using their CLZ Cloud application as the core
for my web presence. While CLZ is a little quirky at
times, it did free up personal time and energy that I was
previously using maintaining my own personal web pages.
When you select one of the links below you usually will first see a "card" listing of films in my catalog in the selected category (sometimes you may see a row listing). On most browsers, double clicking on a card (or row) will open a detailed page as a new tab or a new window.
Similarly, at the upper right, is a search window. Enter film title. Clicking on the search results menu usually will take you to the appropriate card (or row), double click to a new detailed page. [Unlike the desktop version of CollectorZ, the cloud version apparently only provides for a search on the Title. The cloud version of search is a bit quirky for me. Sometimes a card opens, sometimes the detailed entry. I've never investigated why the difference.]
Most all films in my catalog have a video trailer or preview associated with it. However, The CLZ Cloud only shows the trailers that are listed for the movie in their Core. Personal trailer links I have entered into my Master are never synchronized by Collectorz to their cloud. Where I notice that a trailer is missing from CLZ, I put a link to it in the "Links" section, and you can go to it manually.
Last About Collection and Usage Tips update: November 1, 2021