Looking For Alaska
Fake Empire (10/18/2019)
TV Series  /  Drama, Queer Themes/Interest, Series
Not In Collection
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USA / English
Charlie Plummer Miles Halter
Kristine Froseth Alaska Young
Timothy Simons The Eagle
Ron Cephas Jones Dr. Hyde
Denny Love The Colonel
Jay Lee Takumi
Sofia Vassilieva Lara Buterskaya
Landry Bender Sara
Uriah Shelton Longwell
Roman Armstrong Star Basketball Player
Paris Cristina Brown Cheerleader
Justin Carmouche Brainiac
Jordan Connor Kevin
Abbie Gayle Holly Moser
Baylee Johnson Cheerleader
Mason McKey Student
Vaughan Page Rich Kid Student
Anna Stilinovic Cheerleader
Henry Zaga Jake
CG Lewis Hank Walsten
Nicole Mattingly Lady Weekday Warrior
Deneen Tyler Dolores Martin
Jared Bankens Gus
Greg Beaumont Basketball Player
Lucy Faust Miss O'Malley
Rashaad Ernesto Green
Brett Haley
Sarah Adina Smith
Producer Mark Waters
Josh Schwartz
Writer Josh Schwartz
Stephanie Savage
Leila Gerstein
Warren Hsu Leonard
Cinematography Ramsey Nickell

A new student arrives to a boarding school and meets a young girl named Alaska. During his time getting to know and understand her he slowly falls in love with her. But through his time with her, he finds out that her life isn't as perfect as he thought.
Edition Details
No. of Discs/Tapes 1
Viewing Priority 1 Low