Born In Flames
First Run Features (1983)
Comedy, Drama, Queer Themes/Interest, Science Fiction
Not In Collection
Seen ItNo
IMDB   6.2
80 mins USA / English
Honey Honey
Adele Bertei Isabel
Jean Satterfield Adelaide Norris
Florynce Kennedy Zella
Becky Johnston Newspaper Editor
Pat Murphy Newspaper Editor
Kathryn Bigelow Newspaper Editor
Hillary Hurst Leader of Women's Army Hillary Hurst
Sheila McLaughlin Other Leader
Marty Pottenger Other Leader / Woman at Site
Lynne Jones Other Leader
Ron Vawter FBI Agent
John Coplans Chief
John Rudolph TV Newscaster
Warner Schreiner TV Newscaster
Valerie Smaldone TV Newscaster
John McLearen TV Spot Revolution
Pat Place Woman from Ragazzo
Julia Hanlon Woman from Ragazzo
Maria David Woman from Phoenix
Toviana Starks Woman from Phoenix
Cat Hightower Woman from Phoenix
Veronica Campbell Woman at Daycare Meeting
Mayumi Sakaguchi Woman at Induction
Ryan Girl in Subway
Lizzie Borden
Producer Lizzie Borden
Writer Lizzie Borden
Ed Bowes
Cinematography Ed Bowes
Al Santana

In a future where a socialist government gains power, a group of women decides to organize and rebel.
Edition Details
No. of Discs/Tapes 1
Lists ‡ Rotten Tomatoes: 200 Best LGBT Movies of All Time (2019)
Viewing Priority 2 Medium
Rotten Rank 140