In the midst of a California drought and his own personal heartache, weatherman Sean (Matt Bomer) takes a leave of absence following an extremely embarrassing televised breakdown. What is a workaholic to do with so much unexpected free time?
Deciding to focus his energy on home improvement instead of self-care, Sean gets to work but soon realizes just how handy he isn’t. On a whim he decides to enlist migrant worker Ernesto (Alejandro Patiño) to lend a helping hand and some vital expertise. When Sean realizes that Ernesto is also a great listener, Sean sees their time together as an opportunity to vent his problems, and the two become unlikely friends. Threatening their relationship is Sean’s unwillingness to deal with his life and, before he knows it, he has no choice but to face the truth. Sean, meet rock bottom.
Papi Chulo blends comedy with social commentary and, in tender moments, shows how meaningful life can be when we take time to listen to others.