Drama, Queer Themes/Interest
Not In Collection
Seen ItYes
(04/03/2019 Dekkoo)
IMDB   8.0
97 mins USA / English
Scott Townsend Himself
Deirdre Lovejoy Doris Townsend
Cole Canzano Young Scott
Jonny Beauchamp Middle Scott
Christopher Rivera Chicky
Keith Leonard Virgil Townsend
Michael DiGioia Uncle Gene
Malina Weissman Girl in Pink
Julia Ehrnstrom Tina
Marilyn Matarrese Patrick's Mom
Steven Brinberg Toby / Mia Darling
Avery Ragsdale Charlene
Everett Taylor Rachel Rich
Heidi Philipsen Carol
Lora Lee Ecobelli Ms. Freeman
Margo Pelletier
Producer Lisa Thomas
Margo Pelletier
Writer Margo Pelletier
Laura Kelber
Cinematography Shawn Greene
Music Chris Anderson

Bullied girly-boy Scott Townsend grows into revered drag queen Thirsty Burlington fighting obstacles along the way only to discover what he really wants is self-acceptance.
Edition Details
No. of Discs/Tapes 1
Personal Details
Tags drag queen
Links Thirsty at Core for Movies
IMDb Voters <500

Awful. Bad acting. Bad writng.. Even the music is painful. I gave up -- turned off. Watched trains on YouTube instead.