Collection: Male Shorts: International V1

The Mousetrap (La Tapette)
 (November 2016)
Comedy, Drama, Erotica, Experimental/Avant-Garde, Queer Themes/Interest, Short
In Collection
Seen ItYes
(12/30/2018 Home)
IMDB   4.8
9 mins Canada / French
Cochise Leberre Baptiste
Raphaël Milland Matheus
Dolores Calvi Lauea
Callin Scherer Sasha
Ricky Mastro

Baptiste is a gay man who can't stop dreaming about a woman who works at a local pub. His desire for her makes him go on a journey that he could had never imagined.
Edition Details
Distributor Breaking Glass Pictures
No. of Discs/Tapes 1
Personal Details
Purchase Date 2018
Location Personal Library: Male Shorts: International C1
Owner Deitz
IMDb Voters <5

A budding young young talented directory/writer has a hallucinatory drug induced dream and remembers it long enough to write it down and make a short film. Maybe it means something to him, and like-minded friends, He was successful at working my mind, but whether it will be remembered is doubtful.