Monster Pies
TLA Releasing (2013)
Drama, Queer Themes/Interest, Romance
Not In Collection
Seen ItYes
(1/25/2018 Dekkoo)
IMDB   6.6
85 mins Australia / English
Dekkoo  Region 1
Jeremy Kewley Mr. Allen
Ashley Taylor Hayley
Scott Brennan Mr. Scott
Tom Vogel Mr. Pall
Tristan Barr Mike
Lucas Linehan William
Rohana Hayes Jacquelyn
Marcel Reluctant Marv
Katrina Maree Jenine
Marlene Magee Anne
Shea MacDonough Cherry
Nicola Eveleigh Ms Green
Petra Salsjo Ursula
Peter Flaherty Mr. P.
Jasmine Purches Joanne
Christine Carley Ms Cee
James Liotta Jeff
Michael Edward Williams Matt
Lee Galea
Producer Lee Galea
Lucas Linehan
Writer/Composer Lee Galea
Cinematography Daniel von Czarnecki
Music Michael Allen

Mike has felt alienated and alone for as long as he can remember, until a new boy arrives at his school - awakening feelings and a world of possibilities he'd never before dared to dream of.
Edition Details
No. of Discs/Tapes 1
QueerGuru Rating 6

"Will and Michael’s melodramatic story is completely heartbreaking but it comes at a heavy price· This well intended wee movie is riddled with cliches, some appallingly hammy acting and has some secondary plot lines that not only add little to the story but are totally annoying· BUT if you can bear to stick through all this and the painfully slow start to the story, then you’ll forgive newbie writer/director Lea Galea especially if you are a hopeless romantic as you will be grabbing for those kleenex’s regardless·" [Queer Guru]