Genius Products (2005)
Drama, Foreign, Queer Themes/Interest
In Collection
Seen ItYes
(5/21/2016 Home and elsewhere)
IMDB   7.9
127 mins Canada / French
DVD  Region 1
Michel Côté Gervais Beaulieu
Marc-André Grondin Zachary Beaulieu (15-21)
Danielle Proulx Laurianne Beaulieu
Émile Vallée Zachary Beaulieu (6-8)
Pierre-Luc Brillant Raymond Beaulieu (22-28)
Maxime Tremblay Christian Beaulieu (24-30)
Alex Gravel Antoine Beaulieu (21-27)
Natasha Thompson Michelle (15-22)
Johanne Lebrun Doris
Mariloup Wolfe Brigitte (15-20)
Jean-Marc Vallee
Producer Jean-Marc Vallee
Jacques Blain
Writer/Composer Jean-Marc Vallee
François Boulay
Cinematography Pierre Mignot
Music David Bowie

This is the story of a French Canadian family, through 20 years of happiness and tears. CRAZY is a song, the father's favorite song, who named his five sons Christian, Raymond, Antoine, Zachary and Yvan. Amongst these sons, one is different from the others : Zac, who will have troubles accepting his own nature, but who desperately seeks his father love. The song, and a quest for a rare edition of an album, will serve as a symbol for the quest of paternal love, and on the way to acceptance Zac will learn many things about himself and about his father. Many years pass during which he tries to experiment things in the hope of becoming someone his father would respect. Will he eventually succeed in being himself and being accepted by his father?
Edition Details
No. of Discs/Tapes 1
Personal Details
Purchase Date 3/4/2013
Location Personal Library
Owner Deitz
Store Amazon.com
Purchase Price $56.57
Condition New
Links Amazon.com
Movie Collector Core
Rotten Tomatoes
Streaming, VoD Not Found
Lists ‡ 175 Essential Films for GLBT Viewers from Advocate (6/23/2014), ‡ Listall Best Gay Themed by Polsko, ‡ Rotten Tomatoes: 200 Best LGBT Movies of All Time
Rotten Critics Rating % (2021) 100
Rotten Best Queer #1-200 (2021) 28
Viewing Priority 28

One of the finest films I've seen in a long while. Probably originally watched it about 2013; it was as good as I remembered.