Theo and Hugo (Théo Et Hugo Dans Le Même Bateau) - París 05:59
Ecce Films / Peccadillo Pictures (2016)
Drama, Queer Themes/Interest, Romance
In Collection
Seen ItYes
IMDB   6.9
97 mins France / French
DVD  Region 2
Geoffrey Couet Théo
François Nambot Hugo
Georges Daaboul Le vendeur syrien
Elodie Adler L'infirmière
Claire Deschamps L'interne
Jeffry Kaplow Le voisin raleur
Marieff Ditier La femme du métro
Jacques Martineau Olivier Ducastel

Théo and Hugo encounter each other’s bodies in a sex club. They talk, things blur into the haziness of unbridled desire, then take shape for a moment as their gaze meets before they resume their exploration and lose themselves anew. A few moments later the two men feel the need to go outside. Together they drift down the deserted streets of nocturnal Paris. Suddenly they find themselves confronted by a sense of reality that wipes out their freedom and aimlessness and lends each step an existential helplessness. Do they want to know more about each other? Will their trust be rewarded? What are their expectations? Olivier Ducastel and Jacques Martineau display consummate sensitivity in bringing us closer to two men as they strive for intimacy in spite of being stalled by their insecurity. Their two leading actors delight us with their remarkably intuitive performances and their incredible charm.
Edition Details
Original Title Théo Et Hugo Dans Le Même Bateau
No. of Discs/Tapes 1
Personal Details
Purchase Date 12/31/2016
Location Personal Library
Owner Deitz
Purchase Price $15.83
Condition New
Tape Speed Normal
Links + Review: Big Gay Picture Show
Théo Et Hugo Dans Le Même Bateau at Core for Movies

The first twenty minutes or so of the film is explicitly erotic, setting the stage for the remainder of the film -- The story is simple -- While in heat, they have unprotected sex -- One partner is HIV+ (although with a low viral load) -- the other panics and seeks immediate medical assistance -- During this time they get to know each other and discover, at least for the moment, that they may have a continuing affection for each other in spite of the circumstances -- the action more or less takes place in real time, hence the 05:59 in the title is the actual time at the end of the film (of course the action takes place over several hours, but the film is only 1½ hours long) -- In summary, I found the film to be a nice little snapshot story worth seeing, but not likely to be one of the enduring greats.