Bawn Tv (2017)
TV Series  /  Drama, Queer Themes/Interest
Not In Collection
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IMDB   6.0
USA / English
Here TV 
Brandon Karson Damien
Rahim Brazil Kendall
Mimi Fletcher Monica
Desmond Fletcher Tristian
Darren Johnson Max
Rocc Sherrill Shane
Brentley Willis Honest
Langston John Blaze Dr. Tobin
Anthony Bawn Andrew
Anthony Bawn
Writer/Composer Tyson Anthony
Cinematography Mark Clarke

There's no denying that it's all about him Damien. After experiencing his first encounter with heartbreak Damien dives into the chaotic world of college life. Damien stumbles around campus like the other lost freshmen doing his best to keep his eyes glued to his books and off of shirtless jocks, frat-boys, and handsome intellectuals. But Damien's level of discipline may prove to be no match for the ways of a manipulate college senior who threatens to establish a degrading reputation for the freshmen. Damien's cousin Kendall begins his own journey of self-discovery. Kendall not only reconnects with himself, but with a love from his past - a cute church boy. It's a forbidden love that may require Kendall turning his back on the person who has aided him in keeping his sexuality secret from friends, family, and their church for years - his mother.
Edition Details
No. of Discs/Tapes 1
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Tags black culture
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IMDb Voters <500
Viewing Priority 2 Medium