Consequences (Posledice)
Temporama (2018)
Drama, Queer Themes/Interest
In Collection
Seen ItYes
(11/6/2019 home)
IMDB   7.0
95 mins Slovenia / Slovenian
Matej Zemljič Andrej Podobnik
Timon Sturbej Zele
Gasper Markun Niko
Lovro Zafred Luka
Lea Cok Svetlana
Rosana Hribar Mother Milena Podobnik
Dejan Spasic Father Podobnik
Blaž Setnikar Teacher Zoran
Iztok Drabik Jug Teacher Janez
Matjaž Pikalo Director
Igor Matijevic Teacher Igor
Maja Sever Judge
Jette Ostan Vejrup Social worker
Urban Kuntaric Mitar
Dominik Vodopivec Miki
Gaja Filač Mateja
Ziva Selan Maja
Rok Prasnikar Mario
Jan Gerl Korenc Denis
Martin Adam Stevens Gape
Ziga Habas Petar
Maria Cekic Tina
Lara Vouk Teacher
Natasa Menart Marija
Mihajlo Dzambazovski Dzenzi
Darko Stante
Producer Rok Bicek
Julij Zornik
Writer/Composer Darko Stante
Cinematography Rok Nagode

The 18-year-old Andrej is sent to a youth detention centre due to problematic behaviour. There, he meets Zeljko, the informal leader of the detainees. Upon discovering Andrej's secret, Zeljko soon begins to take advantage of him; Andrej's sense of responsibility and moral integrity are put to a trial. Ultimately, he must choose between Zeljko and his reckless lifestyle and staying true to himself.
Edition Details
Original Title Posledice
Distributor Paramount Pictures
No. of Discs/Tapes 1
Personal Details
Purchase Date 7/20/2019
Location Personal Library
Owner Deitz
Tags Bisexual, coming of age, drugs, homophobia, Thugs
Links +8 Review: QueerGuru (Roger Walker-Dark January 14th, 2019}
+4/5 Review: Gay Essential (Alistair Ryder Oct 5, 2018)
+3/3 Review: CGiii) (Anderson Cutler )
Consequences at Core for Movies
QueerGuru Rating 8

Consequences is a very different coming of age story from the usual movie trope. He is not this good kid who becomes aware of his sexual attraction to men and boys, and through some epiphany moment, breaks out to become his true self and live happily ever after. Ugh! Andrej is a rebellious "bad" boy, a problematic kid. And not just because of his sexual attractions, He is attracted to other bad boys for their camaraderie and need to belong (or what ever). I do not see him as just the good kid who gets in with a bad lot, and therefore his downward spiral is inevitable. Oddly enough, his queerness seems to perhaps lead him towards a salvation path. We don't know for sure.
A wonderful film!