Pretend I'm Not Here (Faites Comme Si Je N'étais Pas Là)
Drama, Queer Themes/Interest
On Wish List
Seen ItNo
IMDB   6.5
101 mins France / French
Jérémie Renier Eric
Aurore Clement Hélène
Johan Leysen René
Sami Bouajila Tom
Alexia Stresi Fabienne
Nathalie Richard Carole
Pierre Berriau Simon
Emma de Caunes Marie
Ouassini Embarek Karim
Florence Masure Miss Chanvert
Bouli Lanners The doctor
Michel Dubois Corson
Catherine Davenier Christelle Corson
Léo Aguilar Loïc
Cédric Chevalme Marek
Marie Donnio The blonde
Raphaël Krepser The biker
Martine Vandeville A neighbor
Olivier Jahan
Producer Jérôme Vidal
Writer/Composer Olivier Jahan
Michel C. Pouzol
Cinematography Gilles Porte
Music Cyril Moisson

Student Eric kills time by spying on his neighbors. Compulsively taking notes on everything within binocular range from his bedroom window, he harasses his neighbors by sending unsigned notes and making their private affairs public. When they discover his identity and draw him in, will this release him from his solitude, or confirm in his mind that he will always be the outsider?
Edition Details
Original Title Faites Comme Si Je N'étais Pas Là
No. of Discs/Tapes 1
Streaming, VoD Not Found
Lists ‡ IMDb Best Gay Themed by Metonymy
IMDb Voters <500

I have not located this film as a region 1 dvd.