Floating Skyscrapers
Alter Ego Pictures (2013)
Adult, Drama, Foreign, Queer Themes/Interest, Romance
On Wish List
Seen ItNo
IMDB   6.4
93 mins Poland / Polish
Mateusz Banasiuk Kuba
Marta Nieradkiewicz Sylwia
Bartosz Gelner Michal
Katarzyna Herman Ewa, Kuba's Mother
Olga Frycz Monika
Izabela Kuna Krystyna
Miroslaw Zbrojewicz Jacek
Mariusz Drezek Coach
Katarzyna Maciag Ania
Michal Grzybowski Pawel
Michal Podsiadlo Witek
Aleksandra Bednarz Weronika
Katarzyna Roslaniec Matylda
Orina Krajewska Waitress
Mateusz Lasowski Kacper
Wojciech Sikora Piotrek
Stanislaw Banasiuk Man in restaurant
Katarzyna Herman Ewa
Krzysztof Makarewicz
Tomasz Chrapusta Staszek
Anna Kerth Woman in a restaurant
Tomasz Wasilewski
Producer Izabela Igel
Roman Jarosz
Robert Docew
Writer/Composer Tomasz Wasilewski
Cinematography Jakub Kijowski

Kuba attends an art opening with his girlfriend of two years and bumps into Mikal. The connection between these two young men is instantaneous and intoxicating, and despite opposition from all sides, he allows Mikal into his life. The results go beyond anything he could have imagined. This intimate and bold second feature from Polish director Tomasz Wasilewski captures the often-complicated consequences of finding love where others do not want it.
Edition Details
No. of Discs/Tapes 1
Streaming, VoD Various
Lists ‡ IMDb Best Gay Themed by Metonymy
IMDb Voters <500