Hidden Away (A Escondidas)
Bitart New Media / TLA Releasing (2015)
Drama, Queer Themes/Interest
In Collection
Seen ItYes
(6/4/2016 Home & again on 8/21/2018)
IMDB   7.0
88 mins Spain / Spanish
DVD  Region 1   14A
Alex Angulo
Ana Wagener
Germán Alcarazu Rafa
Adil Koukouh Ibra
Joseba Ugalde Guille
Moussa Echarif Youssef
Ana Wagener Alicia
Alex Angulo Jose
Eder Pastor Javi
Mansour Zakhnini Said
Khalid Chiyar Rashid
Garazi Navarro Marta
Ramón Agirre Padre Rafa
Itziar Lazkano Madre Rafa
Sara Cózar Elisa
Reyes Moleres Farmacéutica
Elena Irureta María
Justi Larrinaga Clienta
Hamdi Kousairy Mohamed
Oier Tariku Cano Hermano Youssef
Aitor Beltrán Profesor
Iratxe Hernández Profesora
Juan Manuel Rodríguez Policía
Jon Gómez Entrenador 1
Mikel Somiñana Entrenador 2
Oier Astorizka Chicos baño
Gorka Cabreras Chicos baño
Mikel Rueda
Producer Eduardo Barinaga
Fernando Díez
Writer/Composer Mikel Rueda
Cinematography Kenneth Oribe

At the age of 14 the world around you changes at a dizzying speed. But what if actually it's you that changing? What if these changes take you away from what up until now, has been your world? Ibrahim and Rafa are going to suffer these changes for themselves, experiencing first love in a way they never could have imagined. And having to keep it Hidden away.
Edition Details
Original Title A Escondidas (on the quite, secretly, hidden)
Distributor TLA Releasing
Release Date 2014
Packaging Snap Case
Screen Ratio Anamorphic Widescreen (2.35:1)
Theatrical Widescreen (2.35:1)
Subtitles English
Audio Tracks Dolby Digital Stereo [Spanish]
SUB [English]
No. of Discs/Tapes 1
Personal Details
Purchase Date 4/24/2016
Location Personal Library
Owner Deitz
Store TLA Releasing
Current Value $20.00
Tags coming of age
Links - Review: Hollywood Reporter
+6 Review QueerGuru (Rober Walker-Dack 26 April 2015)
+ Review: The GayUK
A escondidas at Core for Movies
Streaming, VoD Not Found
Lists ‡ IMDb Best Gay Themed by Metonymy
QueerGuru Rating 6

As I first starting viewing this film I said to myself "Oh no, not another soppy teanage coming of age story" -- but it did not take me long to realize that it is actually a film about friendship, and more particularly, a friendship that blossoms between two unlikely characters -- the movie's title "a escondidas" (which might be better translated "on the quite, secretly") is not just because of a nascent forbidden homosexuality between the boys -- but perhaps more importantly, because of the mileu in which they find themselves -- which includes xenophobia toward Moroccans by Spaniards, at least within the social class of these kids -- this is a loving movie -- I thoroughly enjoyed it.

The DVD cover which shows the two youth lying next to each other shirtless (with the implication that they are naked) never appears in the movie. The cover also quote "A moving and heartfelt gay first love story." I think it is too early in their lives so say that their love is "gay," an abiding sexual attraction of a male to other males, although they do at one point tentatively kiss, and recognize a sexual component to their relationship.

This is another film where little thought apparently has been given to the captions, which are small and often hard to read. Fortunately, the acting is excellent, and missing some dialogue doesn't detract much.