Esteros (Marsh)
Breaking Glass Pictures (2016)
Queer Themes/Interest, Romance
Not In Collection
Seen ItYes
(8/27/2017 Netflix)
IMDB   7.0
83 mins USA / English
Netflix  Region 1
Ignacio Rogers Matías
Esteban Masturini Jeronimo
Joaquín Parada Matías as child
Blas Finardi Niz Jeronimo as child
Renata Calmon Rochi
María Merlino Marilu
Marcelo Subiotto Esteban
Pablo Cura Roberto
Mariana Martinez Inès
Felipe Titto Tuto
Esteban Masturini Jerónimo
Joaquín Parada Matías niño
Blas Finardi Niz Jerónimo niño
Mariana Martinez Inés
Mercedes Gonzalez Mariela
Noelja Waldovino Rita
Emiliano Rajzner Primo Gustavo
Luciano Gonzalez Quintana Amigo de Matías niño 1
Federico Yardín Amigo de Matías niño 2
Papu Curotto
Producer Papu Curotto
Santiago Podestá
Pablo Destito
Writer/Composer Andi Nachon
Cinematography Eric Elizondo
Music Niní Flores
Rudi Flores

Matias and Jeronimo know each other since childhood. Their friendship takes a new turn during the holiday before starting high school when they both experience their sexual awakening.
Edition Details
No. of Discs/Tapes 1
Streaming, VoD Amazon Prime, NetFlix

Yes -- the plot is predictable; there are no surprises - but overall Esteros is well-done -
There is my oft repeated complaint about the captions - they are a hard to read white font, sized too small, and flashed too fast -- fortunately, there is to little subtlety in the dialogue to make its comprehension important. It's an easy problem to fix -- yellow, larger, slower· Apparently captions are too small a detail for film schools to cover.