Three Dancing Slaves (Le Clan)
TLA Releasing (2005)
Adult, Drama, Foreign, Queer Themes/Interest
On Wish List
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IMDB   6.3
90 mins France / French
Jackie Berroyer Robert
Stéphane Rideau Christophe
Nicolas Cazale Marc
Thomas Dumerchez Olivier
Salim Kechiouche Hicham
Bruno Lochet Le père
Vincent Martinez Le
Stephanie Rideau
Aure Atika Emilie
Nicolas Paz Montana
Mathias Olivier Ryan
Gary Mary Luc
Geordie Piseri-Diaz Jérémy
Clément Dettli Henry
Pierre Vallin Sly
Janine Ribollet La mère de Sly
Gilles Taurand L'homme de la ferme
Fabien Reboux Garçon de ferme 1
Geoffroy Rippoz Garçon de ferme 2
Claude Chariglionne Dresseur de chevaux
Olivier Perez Zora the transexual
Kheireddine Defdaf Complice Montana
Jean-Jérôme Landue Bruno
Joyce Edorh Blanche-Neige
Paul Morel François
Pierre Blériot Le garçon au lycée
Nathanaël Maïni Le moniteur de parapente
Yves Jacquemard Le kinésithérapeute
Vincent Martinez Le professeur
Gaël Morel
Camille Rocailleux
Producer Philippe Jacquier
Bertrand Guerry
Writer/Composer Christophe Honoré
Gaël Morel
Cinematography Jean-Max Bernard

Annecy is no tourist destination for three working-class Algerian brothers and their father, in the months after their mother has died. Marc is deeply troubled: he tries to stiff drug dealers and then plots revenge. Christophe is released from jail, lands a job, and must overcome various temptations in order to keep it. Olivier, nearing 18, may be falling in love with Hicham...
Edition Details
Original Title Le Clan
No. of Discs/Tapes 1
Streaming, VoD Not Found
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