Happy as Lazzaro (Lazzaro Felice)
01 Distribution (2018)
Not In Collection
Seen ItYes
IMDB   7.5
125 mins Germany / Italian
Netflix    US - PG-13
Alba Rohrwacher Antonia
David Bennent Ingegnere svizzero
Sergi Lopez Ultimo
Nicoletta Braschi Marchesa Alfonsina De Luna
Adriano Tardiolo Lazzaro
Tommaso Ragno Tancredi adulto
Alessandro Genovesi Maresciallo
Elisabetta Rocchetti Teresa adulta
Luca Chikovani Tancredi bambino
Agnese Graziani Antonia bambina
Antonio Salines Nicola anziano
Daria Pascal Attolini Maria Grazia adulta
Carlo Massimino Pippo
Leonardo Nigro
Davide Denci Appuntato
Luca Chikovani Tancredi giovane
Natalino Balasso Nicola
Carlo Tarmati Carletto
Pasqualina Scuncia Suora
Edoardo Montalto Pippo bambino
Carlo Massimino Pippo adulto
Maddalena Baiocco Stefania bambina
Gala Othero Winter Stefania adulta
Giulia Caccavello Teresa giovane
Iris Pulvano Natalina adulta
Annunziata Capretto Natalina anziana
Luciano Vergaro Catirre adulto
Annibale De Luca Catirre anziano
Giuseppe Corsini Ardito adulto
Marcello Duranti Ardito anziano
Marco Donno Don Severino
Nicola Sorci Giuseppe
Alice Rohrwacher
Producer Martin Scorsese
Carlo Cresto-Dina
Francesca Andreoli
Writer/Composer Alice Rohrwacher
Cinematography Hèléne Louvart

Purehearted teen Lazzaro is content living as a sharecropper in rural Italy, but an unlikely friendship with the marquise’s son will change his world.
Edition Details
Original Title Lazzaro Felice
No. of Discs/Tapes 1


"Every now and then a film comes around that will affect you deeply. This is one such film. And, quite possibly, the best film in the festival.

"Alice Rohrwacher's scathing parody is a remarkable, deeply moving, cerebral achievement. This is a film of two halves: The ordinary and the extraordinary. The less said about it, the better. Because...in places, it simply takes your breath away as you realise and think...what the Hell is going on? Once you get your head around it all, it all starts to make perfect, brutal sense...in the most gentle way imaginable...so surprising, since this is a tale about greed pitted against innocence, criminal exploitation by mean-spirited manipulation.

"Adriano Tardiolo is prefect as Lazzaro, beautiful, innocent and adorable - he carries the film from the humble beginning to the bewildering end. If ever a character could bring out the 'protector' in all who bears witness to this tale...then, Lazzaro is it! You would - without hesitation - take a bullet for this young man.

"This is nothing short of a masterwork. Alice Rohrwacher should be extremely proud. Do whatever you can to experience this film...you will not - by no stretch of the imagination although your imagination will be stretched - be disappointed. It really is that good!"

[CGiii Anderson Cutler]